I was born in Toronto, Canada and raised in Honolulu, Hawaii. After graduating from the University of Hawaii, I became a radio disc jockey, traffic reporter, talk show host, flight instructor, and then, for the majority of my career, a commercial airline pilot.

After many years of international flying, I have finally unpacked my bags and opened up my laptop.

Writing is the place where all of my wonders, questions, and experiences find new life and expression.

I live in Scottsdale with my lovely wife and two little dachshunds.

About robert

Is there more to this world than we can see?

I'm quite fascinated by the concepts found in spirituality and the science of quantum mechanics. What do they tell about us about the nature the world? About the nature of reality? We live in interesting times. Theories in physics are beginning to converge with spiritual teachings reaching back over forty-thousand years.

We can all feel a little overwhelmed by the overload of information in our society. Many have turned to exploring new ideas and new philosophies (even if some of those turn out to be thousands of years old).

In my writing, I strive to weave these concepts into my storylines in the hope that it will spark some thought and discussion while still providing the reader with a well-paced thriller.

Writing themes